The JIMCO industrial air purification systems are normally made according to client’s specific requirements. There are two main considerations when designing the air treatment system. The first step is to calculate the unit size to treat the air successfully. This is based on the process air organic content, air temperatures, air flowrates, grease, and odor destruction requirements, etc.
The second step is to configure the installation to meet space requirements because frequently space is at a premium in process plants. Over the years JIMCO has designed units that can be floor, ceiling, wall, or roof mounted to suit the installation requirements of all our clients. Access for maintenance is also carefully considered.
In February 2000 JIMCO received the EU Environmental Award for Cleaner Technology for the development of the Photolytic Oxidation System. The unique operation of the JIMCO FLO-P air purification system ensures that optimum purification of high-temperature exhaust air is achieved.
JIMCO Air-treatment systems is used for a large number of different applications
JIMCO air-treatment systems are manufactured and supplied for various tasks. The reaction chamber of JIMCO's industrial air cleaning system is made of acid proof stainless steel (316) and contains a number of JIMCO's Photozone lamps™. These are dimensioned for the volume of air required to treat.
The systems is installed with automatic CIP cleaning systems. That means a minimum of maintenance of the daily basis as the unit cleans itself after use. The CIP system is controlled from the PLC-controller to program the cleaning sequence to your requirements. JIMCO and CIP suppliers have jointly selected the best environmentally friendly detergents for the cleaning process.
JIMCO's industrial air cleaning systems are normally equipped with PLC-controllers incorporating modem links and alarm signals.