JIMCO's unique ​

UV-C Lamps

JIMCO's UV-C Lamps ​

​JIMCO's special UV-C Lamps exist in all JIMCO products

JIMCO’s environmentally friendly technology is know all over the world for purifying air and disinfect surfaces effectively with up 99,99%.

The lamps are based on the combination of UV-C and Ozone

JIMCO’s technology is called Photolytic oxidation, which is a combination of photolysis and ozonolysis. Both processes are needed to obtain the wanted effect

Photolytic oxidation​

Photolysis is a photodecomposition process and is the effect of the UV-C radiation. Organic molecules (e.g., fat, grease, and oil) will be broken down by photons, when they are exposed to UV-C light. Ozonolysis is the oxidation process and is the effect of the natural ozone produced by the lamps.

The photo decomposed and broken organic molecules will be exposed to ozone and the ozone will make a cold incineration with the organic molecules and oxidize them. The photolytic oxidation process leaves no volatile compounds.


​How can we help you?​

Please feel free to contact us, and one of our managers

will contact you. If you are looking for product or a new UV-C lamp for your MAC500s or the OZ Series please find a partner near you.

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EST. 1992​

​​​Mjølbyvej 7

DK-5900 Rudkøbin​g



Ph​on​e: +45 62 51 54 56

E-mail: jimco@jimco.dk

CVR: 25000374

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