Kitchen​ system


​​​​Is JIMCO’s technology environmentally friendly?

Yes, all JIMCO products are environmentally friendly, Over the years, JIMCO A/S has been awarded a number of prizes for its products – including the EU’s environmental award, the environmental award of the Region of Funen “Fyns Amts Miljøpris” which are really good proofs for company's environmentally friendliness.​


​Does JIMCO’s technology use chemicals?

​NO - The JIMCO technology has won EU’s environmental Award for Cleaner Technology. The environmentally friendly solutions from JIMCO are chemical-free and re-creates a natural process called photolytic oxidation.

​​​​Does the Kitchen Pollution Control system installed in the kitchen hood affect the indoor safety?

The equipment is always installed so that air is let through the extract system. In this way, it is not possible to produce any ozone residue in the kitchen. It is possible to install a pressure guard on the kitchen extract system so that the KPC-unit will automatically be switched off in case of fan failure.

​​​​​How does JIMCO system affect the environment?

​All JIMCO systems are environmentally friendly, the leftover of all processes have been tested and proved that they are not dangerous for example, having used KPC and Industry solutions of the company (oxidation) the end product is mainly CO2 and water together with a small amount of polymerized grease, which leaves the extract system as dust, and what comes out of the compact cleaner is mainly sterilized air and ozone.

​​Is UV-C light dangerous to humans?

Yes, direct exposure to UV-C light is dangerous, it can cause rapid sunburn and skin cancer. Exposure of the eyes to this UV radiation can produce extremely painful inflammation of the cornea and temporary or permanent vision impairment, up to and including blindness in some cases.

It’s so important that UV-C light is shielded and protected by special equipment, and that's exactly what Jimco does with all the systems using UV-C light. Safety is the highest priority for JIMCO.​

​Is ozone dangerous to humans?

It is important to use ozone correctly in connection with animals and plants. JIMCO A/S has gained experience in the following fields:

Breeding of fish: Here ozone produced by means of light is added to clear the water, remove the coating on the tank and to eliminate diseases from fish, resulting in an improved feeding quotient. This would not be possible if using Corona Ozone (high-voltage ozone).

Breeding of chicken: Here ozone is added through the injection ducts resulting in sterilization of the air. The ozone also lays a protective layer on the animals, and thus minimize the danger of infection.

​Greenhouses: Light produced ozone is added in greenhouses to destroy molds and to minimize the danger of infection among the plants. However, it is important that the treatment is made in hours with daylight as the photosynthesis affect the use of ozone. Also, ozone is added to the water to avoid that molds are spread through the irrigation system.

Therefore we must point out, that ozone is not harmful to animals and plants when used correctly, on the contrary

​​Is ozone dangerous to animals and plants?

It is important to use ozone correctly in connection with animals and plants. JIMCO A/S has gained experience in the following fields:

Breeding of fish: Here ozone produced by means of light is added to clear the water, remove the coating on the tank and to eliminate diseases from fish, resulting in an improved feeding quotient. This would not be possible if using Corona Ozone (high-voltage ozone).

Breeding of chicken: Here ozone is added through the injection ducts resulting in sterilization of the air. The ozone also lays a protective layer on the animals, and thus minimize the danger of infection.

​Greenhouses: Light produced ozone is added in greenhouses to destroy molds and to minimize the danger of infection among the plants. However, it is important that the treatment is made in hours with daylight as the photosynthesis affect the use of ozone. Also, ozone is added to the water to avoid that molds are spread through the irrigation system.

Therefore we must point out, that ozone is not harmful to animals and plants when used correctly, on the contrary

​​​​Is the exhaust air after the Kitchen Pollution Control system dangerous to the environment?

After the process there are no compounds remaining that are dangerous to the nature. Everything contained in the end products is 100% biodegradable and 100% sterilized.

​​​How does ozone remove grease from the extract system?

​Ozone “oxidises”grease and oil: This means a cold combustion that can be compared to a warm combustion.

​​​What is the leftover product after fat and grease has been treated with the JIMCO’s system?

After the oxidation is completed the end product is mainly CO2 and water along with a small amount of polymerized grease, which leaves the extract system as dust.​

​​Can JIMCO technology reduce fat and grease?​

​Yes JIMCO Technology can easily reduce/ break down the grease and fat.

JIMCO A/S specializes in odor and grease control.

in commercial kitchens by using patented UV-C & Ozone technology.

​​Can JIMCO technology help factories to avoid neighbors’ complains about odor?

Yes, JIMCO for sure can contribute a lot to the situation, in which neighbors are not happy and are suffering from the bad and intolerable odor produced by factories, kitchens, restaurant, etc.

The documented odor reduction by JIMCO shows that in peak hours the odor reduction is very close to 100% ( in an environmentally friendly way without the use of chemicals). JIMCO KPC system can eliminate the average 91% of the odor in a period of 1.5 years therefore, there are not going to be complaining neighbors

​Do authorities approve the use of the JIMCO system?

YES - By installing JIMCO’s Kitchen Pollution Control system authorities will allow you to exhaust air at street level or in parking cellars. This will allow restaurants to be located in areas where a location of a restaurant would normally be restricted.

Can JIMCO’s technology eliminate mould, fungi, bacteria and yeast?

​YES – JIMCO’s technology is thoroughly tested and even the smallest unit will eliminate mold, fungi, bacteria, viruses and yeast.

​​​​Do I need to clean my ducts when I use JIMCO’s Kitchen Pollution Control System?


The JIMCO Kitchen Pollution Control system is designed to keep your commercial kitchen hoods and your ducts clean. We have evidence from one of the worlds largest fast food restaurants showing that after 3 years and 2 months their ducts are still clean. Video from the ducts shows that you can still see the stickers inside the ducts from when the ducts were installed.

What happens if too much ozone is produced in the extract system?

Ozone is an unstable form of oxygen that will chemically decompose to oxygen again maximum 20 minutes after the KPC-unit has been turned off.

​​Can rubber and electrical wires/cables be damaged if ozone is present?​

​It is correct that ozone affects all organic compounds. However, there is a considerable difference whether it is a continuous influence or just a treatment. There is no risk in treating a car with the MAC/OZ compact cleaners.

​Therefore there is no risk in using the compact cleaner in offices and in private homes, as the compact cleaners are not powerful enough to fill such large rooms with high concentrations of ozone resulting in damaged cables and rubber.​


​How can we help you?​

Please feel free to contact us, and one of our managers

will contact you. If you are looking for product or a new UV-C lamp for your MAC500s or the OZ Series please find a partner near you.

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EST. 1992​

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